Saturday, November 15, 2008

Late Rant

Synecdoche was....

well, you might want to see it. Brilliant? Psychotic? Lovable? I dug it...

I hate the news.
I hate reading news.
I hate everything about the news.
I can easily live without it...


lostaccident said...

Synecdoche - where'd you see it at??

Nikki Noodle said...

The Ritz in Phil-lay!
You seen it yet? It's got your name written all over it

lostaccident said...

haven't seen it yet but i want to....
Hoffman and Kaufman, how can you go wrong??? i thought it was only in LA and NY though...

scott said...

oh.. and "it has my name written all over it?"

does that make me: brilliant, psychotic, lovable?

Nikki Noodle said...

Yeah it was awesome...

haha all of the above? :)