Wednesday, October 27, 2010

It came!

My moleskin for the Sketchbook Project 2011! All barcoded up and ready to go. You can still sign up here. Don't miss your chance for your sketchbook to tour the U.S. and make the Brooklyn Art Library it's home. There's a bunch of cool themes you can choose from too. (I chose 'It's Raining Cats and Dogs'... for obvious reasons.)
Some random frog
Finished 'Silent Obscenities' with detail

Wednesday, October 06, 2010

fish lemur deer rabbit

new work in progress:

saw this young buck munching on greens at Valley Forge. brave little thing, barely took notice of us.

this young buck however was very skittish and made a run for it as soon as he saw the camera.

another overhead of Sonnyboy doing his thing, or lack thereof. its pretty cute how he stays true to his word and chills in the studio with me all day... just slightly out of arms reach however

one of these days ill capture his slouchy ways at a better angle

Sunday, October 03, 2010

Halloween cards and sketchy sketches

Get your cards HERE

... now time to get started on Christm- ... Hanuk- ... Kwa- ... holiday cards.